Stiso Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Massage Therapy • Insurance Accepted
Chiropractor for TMJ Dysfunction in Manasquan, NJ Provides Gentle Chiropractic Adjustments to Relieve TMJ Pain
TMJ Dysfunction in Manasquan, NJ: TMJ stands for the temporal mandibular joint. This is a very important joint formed by your skull and your jawbone. It contains the muscles that are needed to talk and chew food. This joint opens and closes a patient’s mouth and acts as hinge that allows the mouth to open up and down as well as to move from side to side. When a patient experiences TMJ dysfunction, Manasquan chiropractor, Dr. Frank R. Stiso provides chiropractic care and gentle adjustments to relieve the pain.
Causes of TMJ Dysfunction and Symptoms Experienced by Stiso Chiropractic, Acupuncture & Massage Therapy’s Patients
- Myofascial pain
- Jaw, neck or shoulder pain
- Arthritis
- Jaw clicking
- Grinding teeth
- Clenched teeth
- Degenerative joint disease
- Jaw stiffness
- Locked jaw
- Headaches and/or earaches
TMJ Pain Relief at our Manasquan Chiropractic Center
Dr. Frank R. Stiso looks not just at the jaw but at the body as a whole when working to relieve TMJ pain for patients. Adjustments can be provided depending on the cause of pain. What type of treatment a patient receives depends on the outcome of the full body review. Call our Manasquan chiropractor today if you are suffering from TMJ dysfunction.